Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Jul 11 '23 eng>fra Passer du coq à l'âne To jump from one subject to another easy closed no
4 Jul 15 '22 fra>eng commencer And this is where it all begins easy closed no
- Mar 26 '17 esl>eng plano paralelo al real Parallel universe easy closed no
- May 10 '15 eng>eng give him wind Cause flatulence easy closed no
4 Apr 20 '13 eng>eng in single digits aged under 10 easy closed no
3 Oct 4 '11 fra>eng roman graphique graphic novel easy closed no
- Nov 26 '09 fra>eng avoir un regard distancié to look distractedly; cast a distracted glance/look easy closed no
- May 18 '09 fra>eng laisser un goût amer leave/evoke a bitter-sweet memory easy closed ok
4 Jan 4 '09 eng>eng word order the 1st one is better easy closed no
- Nov 26 '08 eng>eng just as well and a good job too! easy closed no
- Nov 2 '08 eng>eng should and could could and should easy closed ok
4 Jul 12 '08 fra>eng Laisse tomber, c'est mort !!! like, innit easy closed no
- Feb 10 '08 fra>eng tomber à l'eau fall flat easy closed ok
- Jan 26 '08 esl>eng Me puedes esperar ahi abajo You can wait for me down there easy closed ok
- Jan 24 '08 eng>eng tough looking he looks tough easy closed ok
- Jan 17 '08 eng>eng as well as he had so well easy closed no
- Dec 1 '07 eng>eng strike a deal make a bargain easy closed ok
4 Nov 17 '07 eng>eng a round mark with a lateral scar puckering indicates scar tissue easy closed no
- Oct 7 '07 eng>eng end up at a far flung In the end, she went to an out-of-the-way ... easy closed ok
- Sep 18 '07 eng>eng is are easy closed no
4 Sep 18 '07 eng>eng it wasn't until afterwards (2) yes (see below) easy closed no
4 Sep 18 '07 eng>eng it wasn't until afterwards depends on what follows easy closed no
4 Jun 15 '07 fra>eng A celle que tu es encore souvent To the one that you often still are easy closed ok
- May 18 '07 fra>eng champagne bullisant champagne fizzing easy closed ok
- May 13 '07 fra>eng quoiqu'il en soit {Be that as it may}/{Either way} easy closed no
- Mar 29 '07 fra>eng je te le dis that's that/final! easy closed ok
4 Feb 3 '07 eng>fra Le maire n'était pas un gars désagréable à fréquenter, the mayor wasn't a bad bloke to hang around with easy closed ok
4 Feb 3 '07 fra>eng une sorte d'entente convenue, d'acceptation mutuelle. a sort of {tacit agreement}/{complicit understanding}, a mutual assent easy closed ok
- Feb 3 '07 fra>eng il dit que sa femme était couchée, on ne sait pourquoi. {for some unknown reason}/{nobody knows why}, he said that his wife was in bed easy closed no
- Feb 3 '07 fra>eng Louis prit le fauteuil qu'on lui désignait en silence Without a word, Louis sat (down) in the armchair that was being indicated/offered to him easy closed ok
- Feb 3 '07 fra>eng remuant sans bruit ses lèvres fines et lasses, il avait l'air de se dire merde a without making a sound, he seemed to mouth "oh shit!" with his thin, tired lips easy closed no
- Dec 3 '06 fra>eng l'histoire CAHOTIQUE du 20e siecle the {vicissitudes}/{troubled times} of the 20th Century easy closed no
- Dec 1 '06 fra>eng marcher dans les traces to shadow easy closed ok
- Nov 16 '06 esl>eng Ese tonito a veces paternalista y cachondón que adoptan en el mitin del día 8. that sometimes paternalistic and mickey-taking/teasing/jocular/ tone of voice that they put on... easy open no
- Nov 2 '06 fra>eng photo-roman picture story/romance easy closed ok
- Oct 28 '06 esl>eng encontrar a faltar found to be missing easy closed ok
- Oct 22 '06 esl>eng lengua barba full beard easy closed ok
4 Oct 11 '06 esl>eng estilos y formas style and form easy closed ok
- Mar 22 '06 fra>eng le vent en poupe on a roll easy just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered