Над чем работают переводчики

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Над каким переводческим проектом вы работаете прямо сейчас?

ANA ISABEL TORO, размещающий публикацию с ProZ.com, поделился:

If you are a freelance translator working from English into Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, do not hesitate to create your profile on our online recruitment platform at this link: http://www.sdl.com/about/career/freelancers/translators.html. You can also send me an email with your CV or any question you might have at: [email protected] We can talk about our positions and our company :) We handle various translation projects in numerous fields (IT, finance, life sciences, marketing, automotive, electronics...) and for prestigious customers.


I Do That

ответил с ProZ.com в 15:05 May 11, 2021:

Are you that spammer from SDL? "do not hesitate to create your profile on our online recruitment platform" = we collect your data an offer you none but clouds. "„I think that your profile is very interesting for the projects that we have in RWS. I would like to tell you a little bit more about it.” And why you do not tell anything? Because there is no real project behind the data collection.