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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿
Penyiaran jaluran : QHE
ysun  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Cina
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Getting another AppleID Sep 17, 2017


I hope the problems will be solved very soon. Probably, getting another AppleID is relatively an easier way to solve the problems.

ysun  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
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高考四十年 Sep 17, 2017



ysun  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
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恰同学少年 Sep 17, 2017



Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 02:56
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hmm Sep 20, 2017

ysun wrote:


如果现在是这种情形的话,或许讨论都翻过好几篇儿了, Fargoer 和我这类用户的帖子还处于照章审核状态呢。 不过,还是要感谢 ProZ 为我们提供了这样的交流平台;毕竟,选择在于个人。

BTW, 微纪录片《国家相册》系列非常引人入胜,谢谢孙先生。我在 youtube 又看了好几集。比如:

第十集 我的 “小人书”

第二十九集 儿时的游戏

第四十集 悟空现身记

wherestip wrote:

I have a total of 8 Apple devices,…


Your “holdings” were doubled so quickly!

wherestip wrote:

I thought the problem would automatically resolve itself, but after 2 or 3 months time no such luck.  


wherestip  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
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Features being blocked Sep 21, 2017

QHE wrote:

wherestip wrote:

I have a total of 8 Apple devices,…


Your “holdings” were doubled so quickly!

wherestip wrote:

I thought the problem would automatically resolve itself, but after 2 or 3 months time no such luck.  



I know, I'm a terrible hoarder. I've practically spent a small fortune on my Apple collection.

I knew my FaceTime and iMessage problem had something to do with Apple's admin, because the setup of my 8 devices can't be all wrong at the same time; so I thought the issue would eventually get resolved by Apple. I never thought of the possibility of the 2 features in my account being blocked. Like I said, I hardly ever use them.

ysun  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
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Identity verification Sep 21, 2017

QHE wrote:

ysun wrote:


如果现在是这种情形的话,或许讨论都翻过好几篇儿了, Fargoer 和我这类用户的帖子还处于照章审核状态呢。 不过,还是要感谢 ProZ 为我们提供了这样的交流平台;毕竟,选择在于个人。

那时,回应快的多数是会员。非会员的帖子也要经过审查。讨论已经翻篇儿了,有些人的帖子才出来,结果被人忽略,这种情况也是有的。不过,还不至于昨天的帖子,到今天才露面。我有几年缴费成为 Proz.com 的会员,主要还是为了参加讨论方便。据说你只要花上五美元钱验证一下 identity,就可达到同样目的。

Local time: 00:56
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Cina
不太明白 Sep 21, 2017

ysun wrote:
那时,回应快的多数是会员。非会员的帖子也要经过审查。讨论已经翻篇儿了,有些人的帖子才出来,结果被人忽略,这种情况也是有的。不过,还不至于昨天的帖子,到今天才露面。我有几年缴费成为 Proz.com 的会员,主要还是为了参加讨论方便。据说你只要花上五美元钱验证一下 identity,就可达到同样目的。

据我所知,名字旁边有个对钩的,就是验证过 identity 的。您已经有了对钩,应该不用审查了吧?

[修改时间: 2017-09-21 03:29 GMT]

ysun  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Cina
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《国家相册》 Sep 21, 2017

QHE wrote:

BTW, 微纪录片《国家相册》系列非常引人入胜,谢谢孙先生。我在 youtube 又看了好几集。


当年我们从部队那个”思想大学校“毕业后,到了工厂还得在车间继续接受“再教育”。我们全车间总共200余人,其中竟有60多名大学毕业生,连文革前毕业的大学生,也还有不少仍在车间里当工人。此外还有在食堂当大师傅的,在托儿所当阿姨的。有位比我低一届的同学是回民,被分配到职工食堂当大师傅。P.S. 那可不是清真食堂哟!

ysun  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Cina
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“果粉” Sep 21, 2017

QHE wrote:


Your “holdings” were doubled so quickly!

按大陆的流行说法,Steve 就是“果粉”。

ysun  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Cina
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应该相信绝大多数同仁会自觉遵守论坛规则 Sep 21, 2017

Fargoer wrote:

据我所知,名字旁边有个对钩的,就是验证过 identity 的。您已经有了对钩,应该不用审查了吧?

[修改时间: 2017-09-21 03:29 GMT]

是的,不用审查。我曾有几年是交费会员。虽然后来不再交费了,但我的 identity 已经过验证,就自然而然地被打了钩。这大概与中国大陆实行的实名制有点类似。所以,我出帖时就不需要经过审查这一关。不过,我每次出帖都会经过自己的严格审查。往往出帖后自己还会再次审查,进行修改。

话说回来,交费会员和打了钩的非会员,虽然出帖时不需要审查,但并不等于他们就不会犯规。所以,关键还在于每个人是否严于律己,不在于其 identity 是否经过验证。在论坛上参与讨论的同仁绝大多数都受过良好教育。应该相信,他们会自觉遵守论坛规则。

[Edited at 2017-09-21 22:11 GMT]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
Bahasa Cina hingga Bahasa Inggeris
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The African Grey Parrot Sep 21, 2017


Meyer, a lonely widower, was walking home along Delancy Street one day wishing something wonderful would happen in his life, when he passed a pet store and heard a squawking voice shouting out in Yiddish, "Qwawwwk ... vus machts du?" (how're ya doin') "Yeah, du." (Yeah, you.)
Meyer rubbed his eyes and ears. Couldn't believe it. Perfect Yiddish.
The proprietor urged him, "Come in here, fella, and check out this parrot..."
Meyer did. An African Grey cocked his little head and said: "Vus? Kenstsprechen Yiddish?" (What? Can you speak Yiddish?)
In a matter of moments, Meyer had placed five hundred dollars on the counter and carried the parrot in his cage away with him. All night he talked with the parrot. In Yiddish. He told the parrot about his father's adventures coming to America. About how beautiful his late wife, Sarah, was when she was a young bride. About his family. About his years of working in the garment district. About Florida. The parrot listened and commented. They shared some walnuts. The parrot told him of living in the pet store, how lonely he would get on the weekends. They both went to sleep.
Next morning, Meyer began to put on his tefillin, all the while saying his prayers. The parrot demanded to know what he was doing and when Meyer explained, the parrot wanted to do the same. Meyer went out and had a miniature set of tefillin hand made for the parrot.
The parrot wanted to learn to daven, and learned every prayer. He even wanted to learn to read Hebrew.
So Meyer spent weeks and months, sitting and teaching the parrot, teaching him Torah. In time, Meyer came to love and count on the parrot as a friend and fellow Jew.
One morning, on Rosh Hashanah, Meyer rose and got dressed and was about to leave when the parrot demanded to go with him. Meyer explained that Shul was not a place for a bird, but the parrot made a terrific argument, so Meyer relented and carried the bird to Shul on his shoulder.
Needless to say, they made quite a spectacle, and Meyer was questioned by everyone, including the Rabbi and the Cantor. They refused to allow a bird into the building on the High Holy Days, but Meyer persuaded them to let him in this one time, swearing that parrot could daven.
Wagers were made with Meyer.
Thousands of dollars were bet that the parrot could NOT daven, could not speak Yiddish or Hebrew, etc.
All eyes were on the African Grey during services. The parrot perched on Meyer's shoulder as one prayer and song passed - Meyer heard not a peep from the bird. He began to become annoyed, slapping at his shoulder and mumbling under his breath, "Daven!"
"Daven...parrot, you can daven, so daven...come on, everyone is looking at you!"
After Rosh Hashanah services were concluded, Meyer found that he owed his Shul buddies and the Rabbi over four thousand dollars..
He marched home, so upset he said nothing to the parrot.
Finally several blocks from the Temple, the parrot began to sing an old Yiddish song, as happy as a lark.
Meyer stopped and looked at him.
"Why? After I had tefillin made for you and taught you the morning prayers, and taught you to read Hebrew and the Torah. And after you begged me to bring you to Shul on Rosh Hashana, why? WHY?!? Why did you do this to me?"
"Meyer, don't be a schmuck," the parrot replied. "Think of the odds we'll get on Yom Kippur."

ysun  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Cina
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Parrot orders online via Amazon's Alexa Sep 21, 2017

wherestip wrote:

The African Grey Parrot

Corienne Pretorius, 39, was baffled after a £10 order for gift boxes, which she had not ordered, arrived at her house. The bemused mum-of-one questioned husband Jan, 45, a civil engineer, and son Jaden, eight, but quickly realised the culprit was Buddy - their African Grey Parrot. Corienne, from Greenwich, south east London, says the cheeky bird mimics her voice, and must have activated the smart device to place the strange order. She said: "I couldn’t believe it when I realised that it was Buddy who had used Alexa to make an Amazon order.


[Edited at 2017-09-21 19:32 GMT]

Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 02:56
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Cina
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改一改 Sep 23, 2017

David Shen wrote:

wherestip wrote:



    如果将山上的那个 “孤独” 改注为 “风景这边独好”,山下的绅士骑上黄胄的小毛驴儿, 这个图可能会别有一番情景。


      [Edited at 2017-09-23 23:56 GMT]

Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 02:56
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Cina
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Katie's World Sep 23, 2017

KatieKatie Melua

Perfect World

The Walls of the World

Wonderful Life

Nine Million Bicycles (2005)

ysun  Identity Verified
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 01:56
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Cina
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北京四中110周年校庆 Sep 30, 2017

QHE wrote:

《吾师王任》 作者:刘春声




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