Article: How to feed Translating Brains?
Penyiaran jaluran : Staff Staff Staff
Jul 12, 2005

This topic is for discussion of the translation article "How to feed Translating Brains?".

Marta Fernandez-Suarez (X)
Marta Fernandez-Suarez (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:05
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Sepanyol
:-) Aug 4, 2006

Actually, funnily enough, I heard yesterday in the radio that not eating can be good to memorize! Isn't that amazing?!

It was a program on memory on Radio 4 (UK). You may be able to listen to it on-line ( "Memory experience, The"). They said that, when we are hungry, some kind of survival mechanism is triggered that increa
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Actually, funnily enough, I heard yesterday in the radio that not eating can be good to memorize! Isn't that amazing?!

It was a program on memory on Radio 4 (UK). You may be able to listen to it on-line ( "Memory experience, The"). They said that, when we are hungry, some kind of survival mechanism is triggered that increases the ability to memorise things. I think they said that, in the old days, this would enable men to remember the location of food.

So guys, do not eat those snacks in the afternoon if you are in the middle of a translation! Just wait an hour more for your proper lunch...!



Nese Dogan
Nese Dogan  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:05
Bahasa Belanda hingga Bahasa Turki
+ ...
Sufism Aug 4, 2006

Hi Marta,
Thanks for sharing this information. With not eating I would assume they meant less eating.

I would also like to add that one of the pillars of the sufi lifestyle is less eating. This less eating should definately be helping them to practice their lifestyle and philosophy.

Off course people who eat less should be ıncreasing quality and content of food so they should be able to get enough nutrients for their body and physical activities.
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Hi Marta,
Thanks for sharing this information. With not eating I would assume they meant less eating.

I would also like to add that one of the pillars of the sufi lifestyle is less eating. This less eating should definately be helping them to practice their lifestyle and philosophy.

Off course people who eat less should be ıncreasing quality and content of food so they should be able to get enough nutrients for their body and physical activities.


[Edited at 2006-08-04 11:31]

Marta Fernandez-Suarez (X)
Marta Fernandez-Suarez (X)  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 08:05
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Sepanyol
yes Aug 4, 2006

Hi Nesse,

Yes, I was just exagerating, by "not eating" I meant "not eating sometimes" or rather "feel hungry sometimes".

Good diet! (I certainly need it)



Galina F
Galina F
Amerika Syarikat
Local time: 03:05
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Rusia
+ ...
thank you Nov 15, 2007

Thank you, Nizamettin, for this article. I've found it helpful.


Halil Ibrahim Tutuncuoglu
Halil Ibrahim Tutuncuoglu "Бёcäטsع Լîfe's cômplicåtعd eñøugh"
Local time: 11:05
Bahasa Turki hingga Bahasa Inggeris
+ ...
Do not forget exercise Nov 25, 2007


Thanks for the artıcle. In my opınıon a lıte -lacto-ovo(defatted mılkproducts+eggs wıthout yolk ) vegetarıan dıet of unrefıned /natural foods ıs the best one for longevıty ,health and of course braın actıvıty.

Do not also forget exercıse. After wakıng up early ın the mornıng drınk 4 mugs(1 lıtre) of hot water wıth a few drops of lemon juıce ın ıt and jog for 15 mınutes tıll you sweat. The water wıll clean
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Thanks for the artıcle. In my opınıon a lıte -lacto-ovo(defatted mılkproducts+eggs wıthout yolk ) vegetarıan dıet of unrefıned /natural foods ıs the best one for longevıty ,health and of course braın actıvıty.

Do not also forget exercıse. After wakıng up early ın the mornıng drınk 4 mugs(1 lıtre) of hot water wıth a few drops of lemon juıce ın ıt and jog for 15 mınutes tıll you sweat. The water wıll clean your body mucus, purge your ıntestınes (and gıve you an easy excretıon after 15 mınutes)and joggıng and sweatıng wıll elimante free radicals and toxıns and physıcaly prepare you to the new day with 5 tımes more capacıty ın your translatıons.
Best regards
Ibrahım Tutuncuoglu

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2007-11-25 13:40]


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