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    • Ukrainian
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            • Двовірш
          • Definition(s)
            • Двовірш, або Дистих (грецьк. distichon) — найпростіша строфа, написана будь-яким розміром, що складається з двох рядків, об'єднаних спільною римою (трапляється і неримована) та викінченою думкою з виразними ознаками лаконізму й афористичності. Д. широко вживається як окремий твір: Що доля нелегка, — в цім користь і своя є. Блаженний сон душі мистецтву не сприяє (Ліна Костенко). Словник літературозн� - by stasbetman
          • Example sentence(s)
            • В.Стус звертається й до найпростішої строфи – двовірша, що функціонує як окремий твір з викінченою думкою, в якому митець досягає високої сили звучання, метафоричності висловлювання, пор: Ще й до жнив не дожив, зелен-жита не жав Ані не долюбив. І не жив. І не жаль (П-1:50). - Строфіка як стилетвор by stasbetman
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    • Chinese
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            • 对句。对联。联句
          • Definition(s)
            • "Couplet" is episode 14 of season 3 in the television show Angel. See List of Angel episodes for a complete list. (Angel episode) In poetry, a pair of lines with rhyming end words pair of rhymed lines, often used as a way of rounding off a sonnet; hence the term ‘closing couplet’. a pair of lines rhyming consecutively. Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme. two successive rhyming lines. Couplets end the pattern of a Shakespearean sonnet. a pair of rhymed lines containing a complete thought two-line stanza triplet: three-line stanza quatrain: four-line stanza quintet: five-line stanza sestet: six-line stanza septet: seven-line stanza octave: eight-line stanza The two roadways of a divided highway, named differently, approximately parallel with traffic flow in opposite directions and separated by ... A pair of lines of verse of the same length that usually rhymes. a rhymed pair of lines, which are usually of the same length. If these are iambic pentameters it is termed a heroic couplet. This form was made popular by Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and became the dominant poetic form in the latter part of the seventeenth century. ... a pair of rhyming lines written in the same meter a two line stanza, or the same rhyme pattern in two conjoined lines. A pair of layers, usually in an alternating series. Couplets presumably represent alternating conditions of precipitation, as may occur where climate is highly seasonal (ie, alternating from a very wet to a very dry season or very warm to very warm season). Two lines of poetry that have the same meter, and rhyme scheme. Example: I'm being driven up the WALL I need to make a phone CALL. D a pair of rhyming lines with identical meter. a pair of rhyming verse lines A pair of lines that rhyme with each other. two successive lines of poetry a stanza of two rhyming lines; especially, such lines of the same length, as "The learn'd is happy nature to explore, / The fool is happy that he knows no more" (Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man). Two lines of poetry with the same rhyme and meter, often expressing a complete and self-contained thought. The following couplet is from Alexander Pope's "Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady": 'Tis Use alone that sanctifies Expense, And Splendour borrows all her rays from Sense. paired lines of verse, often rhyming. Google Definition - by IC --
          • Example sentence(s)
            • This antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting. 这幅对联是父亲的亲笔。 heroic couplet 英雄偶句诗体(互相押韵的两行诗) "Trite as the language is, this couplet has deep significance,"thought Yucun. " "雨村看了,因想到:""这两句话,文虽浅近,其意则深" - jukuu by IC --
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