Peraturan tapak

Peraturan Penggunaan

Peraturan berikut telah dicipta untuk memanjangkan dan melindungi suasana mesra dan berorientasikan hasil di tapak penterjemahan Dengan menggunakan tapak ini, anda menyatakan penerimaan anda, dan persetujuan untuk mematuhi peraturan-peraturan ini.

Peraturan Tapak

1 The Blue Board is provided as a resource for referencing outsourcers of translation, interpreting and other language-related work, and for expressing willingness to work again with given outsourcers.
Use of the Blue Board for other purposes is not permitted.
2 Certain conditions must be met before Blue Board entries can be made.
Entries concerning the Likelihood of Working Again (LWA) with given outsourcers are allowed only when (1) commissioned work has been completed in full and delivered on time, and (2) there have not been complaints related to quality shortly after delivery. Entries may not be made on the basis of negotiations, test translations, or other preliminary or non-commissioned interactions.
3 It is not possible to edit an entry once a reply to it has been received.
A service provider is allowed to make one brief entry, and the outsourcer is allowed to make one brief reply. (Note that it is possible to edit an entry until such time as a reply has been received.)
4 It is not possible to edit replies once they have been submitted.
5 Site users are allowed only one entry per outsourcer, per year.
Additional entries may be added once yearly, under the condition that additional work has been performed since the last entry was made.
6 Self-entries are not permitted.
Outsourcers, and owners and employees of outsourcing companies listed in the Blue Board, may not make entries concerning their "likelihood of working again" with themselves or their companies.
7 Defamation is not permitted.
The Blue Board may not be used to defame any individual or business. Entries, comments accompanying entries, and responses to entries, must focus strictly on willingness to work again.
8 Attempting to influence another's use of the Blue Board is prohibited.
Exerting pressure on someone to change a Blue Board entry or reply, or to make a new entry or reply of a specific nature, is forbidden. (Inviting service providers or outsourcers to make entries or replies is acceptable, as long as there is no attempt to influence the content of those postings.)
9 The Blue Board may not be used to coerce.
Using the Blue Board, or threatening to use the Blue Board, in such a way as to pressure an outsourcer or service provider into taking some action, is strictly prohibited.
10 Blue Board records will remain in place for at least six months following any form of outsourcing activity. will consider requests from outsourcers to have certain contact details removed from the Blue Board when specific reasons are given. However, in most cases, such requests will not be considered until at least six months have passed after the date of last known outsourcing activity.

Mematuhi peraturan di atas adalah syarat hak akses dan penggunaan yang berterusan tapak ini.


Ahli-ahli staf dan penyelaras boleh mengambil tindakan-tindakan berikut untuk menguatkuasakan peraturan di atas:
* menghubungi pengguna-pengguna tapak untuk membawa perhatian kepada peraturan tertentu
* menahan daripada meluluskan (atau mengalih/menyembunyikan) pengumuman yang melanggar peraturan
* menyebabkan mesej berkaitan dengan peraturan dipaparkan kepada pengguna-pengguna tertentu apabila mereka melakukan tindakan-tindakan tertentu
* menggantung, sementara atau kekal, akses ke ciri-ciri tapak yang telah digunakan semasa melanggar peraturan.
* penamatan profil atau keahlian (staf sahaja)


Dalam kes-kes pelanggaran peraturan yang teruk yang jarang berlaku, ahli-ahli staf boleh menamatkan profil (dan keahlian) dengan serta merta. Walau bagaimanapun, dalam kebanyakan kes, menggunakan dasar "kad kuning/kad merah", serupa dengan amalan kad-kuning/kad-merah dalam sukan bolasepak, untuk penamatan.

Kad-kad kuning dan merah hanya dikeluarkan oleh ahli-ahli staf. Peraturan disebut mengikut nombor, dan tarikh kad di rekodkan. Istilah "kad kuning" atau "kad merah" digunakan dengan jelas; jika e-mel dihantar, istilah tersebut dipaparkan pada baris subjek.

Pengguna tapak yang telah diberi kad kuning boleh terus menggunakan tapak (kadangkala dengan sekatan-sekatan tertentu), tetapi sebaliknya diberi perhatian jika berlaku perlanggaran selanjutnya akan membawa kepada penamatan. Seseorang yang profilnya telah ditamatkan tidak akan diterima semula ke dalam


Untuk penjelasan berkaitan peraturan di atas atau penguatkuasaan peraturan, sila hantarkan permintaan sokongan.

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Hayjor Roca

Hayjor Roca



Naiara Solano

Naiara Solano

Joseph Oyange

Joseph Oyange

Isabella Capuselli

Isabella Capuselli

Saint Machiste

Saint Machiste

Valentin Zaninelli

Valentin Zaninelli

Laura Rucci

Laura Rucci

Erika Melchor

Erika Melchor

Charlotte Gathoni

Charlotte Gathoni

Agostina Menghini

Agostina Menghini

Tanya Quintery

Tanya Quintery

Benedict Ouma

Benedict Ouma

Ana Moirano

Ana Moirano

Isabel Thomson

Isabel Thomson

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