frequently asked questions



  • 1 - Browniz points

  • 1.1 - What are browniz points?

    Browniz are points earned by contributing something to the community or the site, such as site translations, introduction of new members, organization or attendance of powwows, etc.

    Browniz are a measure of 'helpfulness' or 'activity level', as opposed to KudoZ points, which relate to 'expertise'.

    Unlike KudoZ points, browniz points can be spent. Having browniz points means you have done something for the community, and the community "owes you one".

  • 1.2 - How can I use browniz?

    Browniz contribute to a member's standing in the directory--if two members have the same number of KudoZ points, the one with more browniz is shown first.

    Note: As of November 15th 2016, it will no longer be possible to use browniz points to purchase access to Blue Board records, or to be used as a discount towards site membership. See the announcement:

  • 1.3 - How can I get browniz?

    To see how you can earn browniz points, visit your browniz history page by clicking the number of browniz points under your name, or by selecting My -> My Browniz from the main menu. Your browniz history page contains a breakdown of where your current number of browniz come from, with links to "Earn" of each category. If a category doesn't have a "Earn" link, then it is either depreciated (old, replaced, not used anymore), or is undergoing renovation.

  • 1.4 - How are browniz points updated?

    Browniz point totals shown in some places throughout the site are updated once daily, whereas those in other places are updated in real time. So there can be temporary discrepancies, but correction is made when all points are counted once per day. Also, if errors were to occur, they should be corrected within a day.

    Totals are updated at certain points in the site which require the latest totals. These include quoting on a job or viewing an agency's details on the Blue Board, or anywhere else BrowniZ may be spent. To force your point totals to be updated, simply visit your BrowniZ history page.

    Note: In order to receive browniz for attending a powwow, the organizer must enter the attendance report before any browniz will appear in your totals. Please contact the powwow organizer if you have not received your browniz points first before you send in a support request.

  • 1.5 - My browniz point totals are wrong.

    By default, browniz point totals only get updated once per day. You can force your browniz total to update by visiting your browniz history page (select My>My Browniz from the main menu).

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  • 2 - Quick polls

  • 2.1 - What are "Quick Polls"? quick polls are quick, convenient (and unscientific!) one-question surveys designed to encourage the exchange of information among translators. For the latest poll, see:

  • 2.2 - Where can I find the polls?

    Quick polls run on the home page, and are also accessible from under the "Member Activities" tab. (Members Activities - Quick polls)

  • 2.3 - Who can suggest polls?

    Polls can be suggested by paying members. Each suggested poll must pass vetting by staff.

  • 2.4 - I would like to suggest a poll. Where and how can I do so?

    You can suggest a poll from the home page and the quick poll page.

    To suggest a poll from the home page simply click on the "Suggest a poll" link next to "Discuss" located at the bottom of the quick poll box.

    To suggest a poll from the quick poll page, go to quick poll page and click on the "Suggest a poll" link below the "About quick polls" box at the top of the page. Note: only Professional and Corporate members can suggest polls.

  • 2.5 - Can I see past polls?

    Only members can see a list of archived polls by clicking on "Suggest a poll" below the "Submit" button in the Quick poll box in the homepage.

  • 2.6 - What does it mean to be credited for a quick poll?

    It means that you will be recognized as the author of the poll. If you chose not to be credited, then the poll would be published as anonymous.

  • 2.7 - Why are some quick polls anonymous?

    When suggesting a poll, a member may choose to be credited for the poll by name and link to their profile, or to not be credited for the poll, in which case the poll will be "anonymous". Whether or not they are credited for a poll is the decision of the member suggesting the poll.

  • 2.8 - Who can vote on/discuss the quick polls?

    In general, any logged in site user can vote and/or participate in the poll discussion. However, some quick polls may be restricted to members only.

    For each poll you vote on, you will earn five (5) browniz points.

  • 2.9 - Who determines the poll questions?

    Site members suggest the polls and staff members authorize and queue them up. Submitted polls can be edited by site staff to adapt their format (very short options should be displayed) and to ensure that the set of options is complete.

  • 2.10 - Which are the aspects staff members take into account when selecting a poll?

    In general, to make it to the home page a poll should:

    - have a subject matter appealing to the majority of site users,
    - not ask a similar or identical question to one already asked within previous months.
    - lead to an enriching follow-up discussion.
    - have a question and answers that can be phrased in a way which enables a concise, "complete" poll.
    - be in line with the site rules.

    A poll question that is not within the scope of as a translation workplace, is not in line with site rules and/or asks
    for information that can be derived from existing data will not be selected to be run.

  • 2.11 - Is the data collected in these polls reliable?

    Quick polls are not conducted scientifically and the data gathered should be taken merely as a basis for discussion (or further polls!).

  • 2.12 - Where does the discussion on the polls take place?

    Just click on the Discuss link below the poll to participate in a given poll discussion.

  • 2.13 - I suggested a quick poll and it wasn't published, why?

    Not all polls can be published, or published in a timely manner. Every effort is made to queue polls which meet the criteria. If you have questions regarding the status of a poll you have suggested, please submit the details via support request.

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  • 3 - Articles knowledgebase

  • 3.1 - What is the "Articles Knowledgebase"?

    The Article Knowledgebase ( is an online collection of articles and related knowledge on topics of interest to translators, interpreters, and other language professionals. Many of these articles have been written by members.

  • 3.2 - What are knowledgebase "contributions"?

    At the bottom of each article a series of knowledgebase contributions may appear. These contributions are additions, clarifications, or suggestions related to the topic of the article made by other members. Members with relevant information to add to an article are encouraged to make such contributions by clicking "Contribute to the knowledgebase" at the bottom of the article.

  • 3.3 - Why is a "recommendation" bar shown with some articles?

    After reading an article, members are presented with a form allowing them to recommend whether other translators should take the time to read that article. The recommendation bar shown with an article is an average of all members' recommendations. 5 bars indicates members thought the article was well worth reading, while 1 bar indicates that members definitely would not recommend the article to others.

    The most highly recommended articles are shown in the "recommended articles" section of the right sidebar.

  • 3.4 - What does "add article to favorites" mean?

    In the "article options" section of the right sidebar, there is an option to add the article you are reading to your list of favorites. Your favorite articles will be listed in a "favorite articles" section of the right sidebar, for easy reference in the future.

  • 3.5 - What authors are included in the "featured authors" lists?

    The featured authors lists include authors who have assigned copyright for at least one article to (see the copyright policy FAQ for more information). This list also includes authors of articles originally published elsewhere who have granted the right to republish their work.

  • 3.6 - How are "popular authors" and "popular articles" selected?

    The list of popular authors and articles in the right sidebar are automatically determined based on a number of criteria, including how highly recommended the articles are, how frequently articles have been read, and how many people have added the articles to their list of favorites.

  • 3.7 - What is the copyright policy for these articles?

    The copyright for articles published at vary from one article to another. A copyright notice appears at the bottom of each article identifying the copyright holder. In all cases, articles may not be republished by third parties without the permission of and the copyright owners.

    Authors of content published initially to the articles section have two copyright options: they may assign copyright exclusively to, in which case they will benefit from a set of promotional features, or alternatively, they may retain the right to publish the article elsewhere, in which case a minimal level of promotion will be provided. The full promotional package includes an "author box" with the body of the article, a listing among the featured authors, awarding of browniz points (which can be redeemed for a discount on membership), and, for members, rotation among featured articles on the home page. The minimal promotional package includes attribution and a link at the bottom of articles. More details are available on the article submission form.

    Note: The copyright options were added upon the creation of the articles section. Those who submitted Howtos previously will receive the higher level of promotion without a need to assign exclusive copyright to has obtained permission from other publications to republish some of their articles. When an article has been republished, an appropriate notice is included at the bottom of the article.

  • 3.8 - I notice some articles in the knowledgebase that have come from other sites. Why is that? has made arrangements to republish articles (about 80) from two sites - Accurapid's Translation Journal - - and the LISA's "Globalization Insider" - The permission of each author has also been obtained.

  • 3.9 - How can I submit an article? What are the submission guidelines?

    Please refer to the submission guidelines for information about submitting an article.

  • 3.10 - I submitted an article and it is not visible yet. Why?

    Before an article is publicly visible, it must be vetted by staff to ensure adherence to rules and submission guidelines.

  • 3.11 - Why would I want to submit an article?

    Writing a translation article is a way to share your expertise and to promote yourself in your subject area. It helps you stand out from the competition, and to get noticed as an expert in your field. Additionally, by publishing at you will benefit from the exchange of knowledge with other specialists, as they contribute comments and suggestions related to your article.

  • 3.12 - How can I edit my article?

    Articles that you have written can be edited by clicking the "Edit article" link in the "Article Options" area of the right sidebar when viewing your article. Please note that you must be logged in to your account in order to edit your articles.

    After editing your article, your article will become invisible to other viewers until it has been reviewed by an editor or site staff.

  • 3.13 - I would like to edit my article, but I do not have a account.

    Please create a account by registering (for free). Then, enter a support request asking us to link your article to your new profile. Once the article has been linked to your new account, you will be able to log in and edit it.

  • 3.14 - I have a profile, but I still can not edit my article. How do I get the article linked to my profile?

    If the article does not link to your profile, this indicates that we have not established the connection between the article and your profile. Please send a support request with your username and/or profile link so that we can establish the connection between the article and your profile. Note that once this connection is made, the name and photo shown with the article will be the ones you use in your profile.

  • 3.15 - What is a call for articles?

    The call for articles page lists topics for articles that are sought by members, moderators, or staff. If you have special knowledge or expertise in any of the areas listed, please consider submitting an article.

  • 3.16 - Can I suggest a topic for an article I would like to see written, or make my own call for articles?

    If you are unable to find an article that you are looking for on a given topic, you can suggest that an article be written. First browse through the category in which you expected to find the article. If the article is not there, click "Suggest a topic for an article in this category" at the bottom of the article listing. Enter the suggested topic for the article, and some notes about what the article should contain. Moderators or site staff will review your suggestion for addition to the call for articles page.

  • 3.17 - I found an article that I would like to see put in the knowledgebase. How can it be added?

    If you come across an article that you think belongs in the Articles Knowledgebase, you can either suggest to the author that he/she consider publishing here, or, you can enter a support request suggesting that a staff member contact the author to obtain permission.

    If you think there is a type of article that the knowledgebase needs, but does not exist elsewhere, please submit the topic for possible addition to the "Call for Articles".

  • 3.18 - Can non members read/search/contribute articles?

    Non member users are welcome to contribute articles, and to read and search most articles. However, in the future some premium articles may be restricted to site members only.

  • 3.19 - What benefits are there for site members in the articles section?

    Site members have access to read all articles (including future premium articles), and gain promotion by contributing to the article knowledge base. Featured authors who are site members will also be rotated in a "featured article" box on the home page.

  • 3.20 - What happened to the old "Howtos" section?

    The old "Howtos" area has been subsumed by the articles area. Many of the former HOWTOs that had already been vetted have been converted to appear as "articles" in the new section. If you wrote a HOWTO that was not vetted, or does not appear in the articles section, you may request that it be moved over by entering a support request.

  • 3.21 - Can I publish an article containing pictures?

    Currently it is not possible to upload images with an article. For the time, the article has to be plain text only.

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  • 4 - dictionary and reference board

  • 4.1 - What is the Dictionary and reference board?

    The Dictionary and reference board is a searchable database of dictionaries and other works of reference which may be of use to language professionals. Records can be created on works of reference, and feedback provided by members of the community.

    The main page for the Dictionary and resource board is

  • 4.2 - What is the purpose of the Dictionary and reference board team?

    The Dictionary and resource board team is a group of volunteers who help to manage the board. Some of their tasks include making sure record information is as correct and complete as possible, vetting records and feedback entries, and guiding members in their use of the board.

    Dictionary and resource board team members are listed here.

  • 4.3 - Who can make a record on the board?

    Dictionary and resource records can be created by any logged in site member, by clicking on the "Add a new resource" link at The entry maker should enter the information they can regarding the work and click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.

    All records entered are subject to vetting by the board team or site staff before becoming visible.

  • 4.4 - Can I provide feedback on a record?

    If you have read or used the work represented by the record, yes. Feedback on works may be given by clicking on the "Please provide feedback to the community" link on the record involved.

    The feedback provider is prompted to enter a short comment on the work, along with a number rating, from 1-5, 5 being the highest rating.

    Feedback comments should be limited to feedback on the work itself.

    All feedback entries are subject to vetting by the board team or site staff before becoming visible.

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  • 5 - exchange

  • 5.1 - What is the Exchange?

    The Translators Exchange is a system that users and members can use to offer and request books, language training, CAT tool training, travel advice and more.

  • 5.2 - Who can use the Exchange?

    Both members and users can post to the Exchange. Only members can respond to a post.

  • 5.3 - Is the Exchange just for trades, or can I sell something there?

    You can sell, too. When posting an offer or request, you will have the option of indicating an interest in selling or trading. All details of transactions must be worked out directly among members.

  • 5.4 - Where can I make an exchange post?

    Post your offer or request here. Please have in mind that exchange posts are subject to site rules.

  • 5.5 - I submitted a post to the exchange. Why can't I see it yet?

    Before a post is publicly visible, it must be vetted by staff to ensure adherence to rules and guidelines.

  • 5.6 - Can I remove an exchange offer / request I posted?

    Yes, you can remove your offer / request by clicking on "Remove from exchange" on the posting page. You can access all your posts by clicking on "My posts" in the menu available to the left of the Exchange page.

  • 5.7 - What kinds of posts aren't allowed on the Exchange?

    1. You cannot use the Exchange to offer your own professional services.
    2. Unauthorized commercial solicitation is not allowed, as paid advertising is available from in designated areas of the site.
    3. All general site rules apply to the Exchange.

  • 5.8 - Is involved in any way with exchanges?

    No.'s role is to provide a venue that connects members or users requesting or providing goods or services with other members. However, cannot guarantee the validity of any claims made in Exchange posts.

    In addition, makes no warranty to the quality of goods or services offered in Exchange posts.

  • 5.9 - How can I report an exchange post that seems to be violating site rules?

    If you feel that the contents of an exchange post violate rules, notify staff by clicking on "Call staff attention to this post" at the bottom of the exchange post.

  • 5.10 - Where can I see a list of exchange requests and offers?

    To see a complete list of exchange offers and requests, simply click on "Exchange" from the "Community" tab.

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  • 6 - Translation news

  • 6.1 - What is the Translation news feature? Translation news is a way to stay informed on what is happening in the industry, by sharing and discussing translation industry news stories. users can post translation industry-related news, comment on, share and subscribe to items that have been posted.
    In addition to user-submitted news, translation news is fed from a list of industry news resources, which posts news items automatically. Translation news can be accessed through the menu, under the "Members activities" tab, by clicking on Translation news option.

    The latest translation news stories are featured on the homepage, under the area called Translation news. This area of the homepage can also be customized to your preferences, by clicking on the "Customize" link at the top of the box.

  • 6.2 - How many categories are available in the Translation news section?

    Currently there are four (4) categories available: Translation Industry, Events & announcements, Opinion & features and/or Product news .

  • 6.3 - Which type of translation news appears on the homepage?

    The type of news that falls into the category "Translation industry news" appears in the "Translation News" section of the homepage. To see the latest news in other categories click here.

  • 6.4 - Can I subscribe to Translation news? translation news offers an option to subscribe to daily summaries containing all new translation stories recently added.

    In addition, you can subscribe to translation news stories and comments by using its RSS feeds available at the top right corner of the page.

  • 6.5 - How can I submit a translation news story?

    Translation news stories can be submitted by clicking the button "Submit a news story" on the right of every Translation news page. This will take you to the form to submit a news story.

    Note that submitted news stories are subject to vetting by site staff before becoming visible.

  • 6.6 - Does the flagging of a certain story amount to my endorsing the content of the news being flagged?

    No, news are shared to help language professionals stay informed on what is happening in the industry independently from the person flagging the item's opinion. For example, if you shared a story about machine translation this does not indicate that you are in favor or against machine translation.

  • 6.7 - What about the news flagged by staff, are they any indication of the site's stance regarding the content of the item shared?

    No, site staff flag news they consider would be of interest to translators and language professionals. The goal of the Translation News feature is to provide the means for translators and language professionals to stay informed of the what is happening in the industry and of the current trends independently from the personal view of the staff member flagging the story.

  • 6.8 - Can I submit news in languages other than English?

    Support for multilingual articles is planned, but is not yet available. For now, please only submit articles originally written in English. For news in other languages please provide a summary in English and indicate the language of the source between parenthesis in the title. For an example see this news

  • 6.9 - How do I comment on a news item?

    Just click on the "Submit a comment" button that appears at the bottom of every news story. Clicking this button will lead you to the form to submit a new comment.

  • 6.10 - Sharing translation news Translation news feature offers the ability to share translation news by email or through several social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn . Sharing options can be found at the end of every news story.

  • 6.11 - What kind of translation news can I submit?

    Any kind of translation or industry-related news can be submitted. site rules and scope should be observed when submitting items.

  • 6.12 - Can news of training events be submitted to the Translation news service?

    Yes. Note that site rules outline how and where announcements of this kind can be published. Publication of training event announcements via Translation news is under site staff discretion.

  • 6.13 - Can I suggest a news source for Translation news?

    Yes you can. To suggest new translation news sources, please submit a support request.

  • 6.14 - I submitted a piece of news that was approved but I still do not see it on the homepage. Why?

    Check under the other categories -Events & announcements, Opinion & features and/or Product news as the news you submitted may belong to one of those categories (Note: only Translation Industry News appear on the homepage.)

  • 6.15 - What kind of Translation News submissions are generally not published?

    Translation News submissions are generally not published if they are:

    *Not within the scope of as a translation workplace
    *Not in line with site rules

    In addition, articles that are political in nature - or those which may generate political discussions - are generally not approved.

  • 6.16 - Where can I see news published in previous months?

    In the Translation News Archive on the right of the Translation news page. News are grouped according to the month when they were submitted.

  • 6.17 - Are any browniz points awarded for submitting a Translation News story?

    20 browniz points are awarded for each Translation News story that is published.

    Note that not all submissions are published.

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  • 7 - Translation industry wiki

  • 7.1 - What is the Translation industry wiki?

    The translation industry wiki is an ever-evolving collection of articles about relevant, industry related topics, written by translators themselves.

    As the name implies, the wiki is a wiki web site. A wiki is a web site produced by a community of people who continuously edit, update, add and improve the knowledge on the web site. The wiki is a collaborative effort, and everyone is welcome to contribute to it freely.

  • 7.2 - What is the purpose of the wiki?

    The wiki aims to answer in several overlapping needs:

    * knowledge base that can be edited
    * FAQ where frequent askers can be pointed to
    * reference where answers to question can be quoted from
    * place where useful forum posts can be stored more permanently
    * place where useful information is accessible for longer
    * guide for new translators

    The basic idea is that everyone can add or edit what was written previously, and through a continuous process a useful set of articles may result.

  • 7.3 - Who can contribute to the wiki?

    Any user can contribute to the wiki. The whole point of a wiki is to allow anyone to add or edit wiki content for future reference.

  • 7.4 - How do I access the wiki?

    While logged-in to, you can access the wiki here. Or else, click on "Translation industry wiki" under the 'Education' tab.

  • 7.5 - Can I edit wiki content?

    Yes. You can edit wiki content submitted by other site users by clicking on "[edit]" at the top right corner of the section you want to edit and then saving your changes by clicking on "Save page".

  • 7.6 - Why is editing available to anyone?

    The basic idea is that everyone can add or edit what was written previously. It is normal for people to hesitate to jump in at first, but bear in mind that a record is kept of changes and who has made them, and it is possible to roll back changes. Just as other site users should not be offended by your edits, you should not be offended by edits applied by other site users to content you added.

  • 7.7 - Where can I discuss wiki articles?

    Articles and contributions can be discussed in the translation industry wiki forum at

  • 7.8 - What is the difference between wiki articles and site forums?

    There is actually no difference between contributions made in forums and those posted in the wiki. However, those who follow the forums regularly know that while a considerable amount of knowledge is stored up in the forums, accessing it is not so easy, in part because of the limitations of the search feature, but also in part because of the nature of discussion forums, where useful information tends to be broken up among multiple posts.

    As it is not as easy to get information out of the forums, and repeated postings on frequent themes, for example, are one of the issues that result, the wiki has been suggested as a potential solution to this problem.

  • 7.9 - What is the reference language used in the wiki?

    For the time being, English is the main reference language, and all root pages should be named and written in English.

  • 7.10 - I found typos and grammar mistakes in a wiki article. What should I do?

    If you find any typos or grammar mistakes in wiki content, you are welcome to edit them by clicking on "[edit]" at the top right corner of the section you want to edit and then saving your changes by clicking on "Save page".

  • 7.11 - How can I add a new page to the Translation industry wiki?

    You can find instructions on how to start a new page on this article.

  • 7.12 - I do not like my contributions to be edited. What should I do?

    If you do not feel comfortable with having content you add edited by others, then you should refrain from contributing to the Wiki.

  • 7.13 - Can I include links in my contributions?

    Yes. You can include links in wiki content that you add, provided these links are relevant to the article being completed.

    To include a link in an article, simple use the following convention: [URL title of linked page]

  • 7.14 - Can I give format to contributions?

    Yes. You can use Wiki markup to give format to wiki content. However, Wiki markup should not be overused.

  • 7.15 - Where can I see edited contributions?

    To see previous versions of the content of an article click on the "History" tab at the top of the article page.

  • 7.16 - I removed wiki content by mistake. What should I do?

    Go to the "History" tab in the article page, look for the log of your latest action and click on "(undo)".

    Also, you may contact site staff by submitting a support request. Just make sure you specify the article from which content was removed and the section that was edited by mistake.

  • 7.17 - Where can I see a list of my contributions to the wiki?

    To see a list of your contributions, click on "my contributions" at the top right corner of most Wiki pages.

  • 7.18 - Will I be notified of updates or changes to wiki articles?

    You will be notified of updates or changes applied to Wiki pages only when "Watching" (tracking) such pages. To add a page to a watchlist, and be notified of changes to that page, click on "Watch" at the top of the article page. You will be able to see a list of pages watched by clicking on "my watchlist" at the top right corner of most Wiki pages.

    Note: To keep receiving notifications of changes applied to a watched page, you must visit the page from the notifications you receive, otherwise you will no longer be notified.

  • 7.19 - Can I suggest a new wiki category?

    Yes. To submit a wiki category, just submit a support request.

  • 7.20 - Where can I see a complete list of available wiki articles?

    You can see a complete list of Wiki articles here. Or else, click on "All pages" in the Wiki main page.

  • 7.21 - How is copyright handled for wiki contributions?

    There are many web sites that offer users the opportunity to write articles for them, to be added to a large collection of translation related articles. These articles are copyrighted and may not be added to ProZwiki as-is, but nothing stops anyone from approaching the individual authors for permission to add their articles (or derived versions of it) to the ProZwiki. Just remember that ProZwiki content belongs to everyone, and anyone can edit it. One can also get some good ideas for ProZwiki articles by looking at pages submitted to those other article sites.

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  • 8 - Local

  • 8.1 - What is Local? Local is a country-specific view of, providing one-stop access to site content which is relevant to a given country. It is intended to help language professionals connect with their local translation community.

  • 8.2 - Why is there no local page available for my country?

    Not all countries are supported by Local yet. Countries about which has little content are not yet included. Click here to see a list of all supported countries. If your country is not represented, and you would like it to be, please submit a support request.

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  • 9 - moderators

  • 9.1 - Apakah itu "moderator"

    Moderator ialah orang yang, selaras dengan misi laman, membantu pengguna dalam memanfaatkan sepenuhnya penyertaan dalam komuniti, dan membantu mengekalkan suasana yang positif dan berorientasikan hasil melalui penguatkuasaan pematuhan kepada peraturan laman< /a>.

    Moderator berkhidmat selama setahun, dari Julai hingga Jun.

    Peranan moderator diterangkan dengan lebih terperinci
    di sini.

  • 9.2 - Bagaimanakah moderator dipilih?

    Ahli yang ingin menyatakan minat mereka untuk berkhidmat sebagai moderator boleh berbuat demikian dengan mengemukakan permohonan sebagai moderator

    Sesetengah calon memohon secara sukarela untuk jawatan itu, ada yang disyorkan atau "dicalonkan" oleh moderator semasa atau oleh ahli lain, dan ada juga yang dipilih oleh kakitangan di kalangan ahli laman. Semua pemohon dikehendaki melengkapkan permohonan sebagai moderator

    Nasihat dan maklum balas mengenai calon mungkin diperolehi daripada moderator lain, tetapi keputusan dan tanggungjawab muktamad terletak pada kakitangan laman.

  • 9.3 - I would like to volunteer to serve a term as a moderator, what should I do?

    Volunteers to serve as a moderator can use the application system found on the moderator overview pages.

    Volunteers are always welcome, but note that the criteria for moderators are such that not everyone can become one. Some of the criteria for moderator candidates include experience on the site, in the community and the industry, membership level, citizenship, activity level, and openings available for moderation.

  • 9.4 - Jika saya mempunyai aduan tentang penguatkuasaan peraturan atau tindakan lain yang diambil oleh moderator atau kakitangan, di manakah saya boleh mendaftarkannya?

    Jika anda mempunyai masalah, aduan atau soalan mengenai tindakan penguatkuasaan peraturan yang diambil oleh kakitangan atau moderator, sila hubungi kakitangan laman melalui sistem sokongan. Apabila perlu, permintaan seperti ini akan dirujuk kepada penyelia. Permintaan untuk penjelasan tentang peraturan laman dan penguatkuasaan peraturan harus menggunakan saluran ini dan harap tidak disiarkan dalam forum.

  • 9.5 - How knowledgeable do moderators have to be of the language (pair) they moderate?

    Site moderators are not required to have a specific level of knowledge in a given language to moderate in areas in which such language is used. Site moderators are appointed to greet and guide new participants to the forums and KudoZ, and help them to properly use and benefit from what is available to them at Also, in conjunction with other moderators and site staff members, moderators are expected to help to maintain a constructive environment by carrying out enforcement of the site's rules in a consistent and structured manner. As long as the moderator can carry out with these two tasks, no specific level of language knowledge is required.

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  • 10 - site guides

  • 10.1 - What is a "site guide"? site guides are volunteer members who help colleagues make the most of what is available to them through

  • 10.2 - How are site guides selected?

    Site guides are screened and selected by site staff based on a number of criteria (including registration date, site activity and site status). Members invited to serve as site guides are language professionals who have proved to be knowledgeable of the site and the tools available in it, and who have shown willingness to help colleagues make the most of what is available to them through

  • 10.3 - I would like to volunteer to serve as a site guide, what should I do?

    If you are interested in serving as a site guide, please submit a support request.

  • 10.4 - Do site guides enforce site rules?

    No.'s KudoZ and forum areas are already monitored by a group of volunteers known as "moderators". Their role is to foster and protect the positive, results-oriented atmosphere that makes possible, by greeting and guiding new participants --just as site guides-- and enforcing site rules (helping to maintain a constructive environment by carrying out enforcement of the site's rules in a consistent and structured manner).

    Since the enforcement of site rules is already a responsibility of moderators --in conjunction with site staff-- members must contact moderators if any form of abuse if rules violation is observed.

  • 10.5 - I have a complaint about a rules enforcement or other action taken by moderators or staff, should I contact site guides?

    No. If you witness any form of abuse or rules violation, report it to moderators, or site staff, if no moderator is available. Site guides do not enforce site rules in any form, but only greet and guide site members, and help them to get the most out of the site.

  • 10.6 - How knowledgeable do site guides have to be?

    Site guides are not required to have a specific level of knowledge in a given language or field to greet and guide members as long as they are knowledgeable of the site. Site guides are appointed to greet and guide new participants, and help them to properly use and benefit from what is available to them at As long as the site guide can carry out this task, no specific level of language or field knowledge is required.

  • 10.7 - Are site guides paid for their cooperation?

    No. Site guides are volunteer members who have achieved success as translators or interpreters, or in a translation company, and who have derived benefit from, and who want to give something back by sharing what they have learned with others.

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  • 11 - Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship Fund

    The main page for the Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship Fund can be found at

  • 11.1 - What is the Justin Chlebus Memorial Scholarship Fund?

    Created in memory of a former staff member, the Fund exists to support a program that identifies and supports exceptional young people in pursuing arts or sciences in which they are particularly talented, in countries other than their own.

  • 11.2 - What timing is anticipated for the application process and study period?

    Applications for the first year of the scholarship will be reviewed on a rolling basis. It is expected that a scholarship recipient will be selected by the end of 2012.

  • 11.3 - Who can apply?

    Applications are invited from men and women between the ages of 18 and 26 who:

    (1) have special skills in the arts (music, dance, literature, etc.), sciences or other field

    (2) are passionate about learning a new language

    (3) plan to study abroad in a country that speaks a language foreign to them, with the purpose of practicing or enhancing their special talent/skill

  • 11.4 - I am a member. Can my son or daughter apply to the program?

    Applications are of course encouraged from children of members (and members who meet the criteria). However, there is no requirement that applicants be affiliated with

  • 11.5 - I would like to apply for this scholarship, but I don't have any interest or experience in translation. Will my application still be considered?

    Yes. Interest or experience in translation is not required to apply for this scholarship.

  • 11.6 - What does the application process consist of?

    Interested parties are asked to discuss (and if applicable, demonstrate - for example in video form) their unique art or skill and also explain, in essay format, what they hope to bring to the world during their lifetimes by way of their chosen art or skill.

  • 11.7 - Where can I apply?

    Those interested may apply here.

  • 11.8 - Where can I include a link to a demonstration of my special art/skill in the application?

    Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate their unique art or skill when being considered for this scholarship. Please include a link to your work in text, graphic, or video form in the "Additional information" section of the application.

  • 11.9 - How will the scholarship recipient be selected?

    Recipients will be selected by a committee consisting of members, site staff, and representatives from Justin's family.

  • 11.10 - What responsibilities will the scholarship recipient have?

    The scholarship recipient will be required to report back to the community on his or her progress and experiences (linguistic, cultural and artistic).

  • 11.11 - Can I make a donation to the Justin Chlebus Memorial Fund?

    Donations to the fund will be opened again soon. When they are opened, this will be announced to the community.

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  • 12 - community choice awards

    The community choice awards are hosted by annually to provide another means for the community to publicly recognize language professionals who are active, influential or otherwise outstanding in various media throughout the industry. Nominations, voting, and winners are determined entirely by the community.

  • 12.1 - How does it work?

    The contest has a simple structure of nominations, voting, and announcement of winners. Members of the community are asked to submit their nominations in various categories. Nominees who receive a certain number of nominations move to the voting stage. Winners are determined purely through numbers of votes cast by the community.

  • 12.2 - What are the categories for the awards?

    There are two main categories: Translation-related and Interpretation-related. Within these categories are various sub-categories. You can see the category breakdown here.

  • 12.3 - Why is "best profile" one of the categories?

    At, your profile is at the center of your experience. Many members have opted for maintaining an excellent profile over having a personal website, using their profile as a website for their services. Others recognize that their personal website receives traffic thanks to the high web visibility provided by a great profile with membership. Used smartly, your profile can be a highly-visible and effective business card to new clients and collaborators, and the site team does everything possible to encourage members to complete and maintain strong, professional profiles which accurately reflect their services and what makes them different from the competition. If you register and use other sites to advance your business, you should of course do the same!

    In this context, the question should be why wouldn't "best profile" be a category?

  • 12.4 - Who can be nominated?

    Anyone can be nominated, providing they meet the criteria of the category for which they are nominated.* You can make as many nominations as you like per category. Self-nomination is permitted. It is not required for the nominee to have a profile (a profile is required to make nominations or to vote, however).

    * features (with the exception of individual events or training courses), or members of the site team, are not eligible for nomination.

  • 12.5 - Who can make nominations?

    Anyone with a profile may submit nominees for the awards. If you do not have a profile, you can register one for free here.

  • 12.6 - Who can vote in the community choice awards?

    Anyone with a profile can vote in the awards. If you do not have a profile, you can register one for free here.

    In the voting stage, voters will be asked to vote for one (1) candidate in each category.

  • 12.7 - What do winners of the community choice awards receive?

    Winners of the community choice awards are announced site-wide, and each winner receives a digital badge reflecting their win which they can post in their profile, website, blog, etc.

  • 12.8 - How can I invite the community to nominate my blog/website?

    You can insert the HTML code available in this forum post into your website or blog to invite your colleagues to nominate your for these awards.

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  • 13 - KudoZ QuiZ

  • 13.1 - What is KudoZ QuiZ?

    KudoZ Quiz is a game designed for members who need to take a break from normal routine. Players have thirty (30) seconds to select a possible translation for a source term in their languages and fields, and collect points. After five rounds (five terms), a final score is displayed and players can share results in social networks, play again or challenge colleagues.

    NOTE: KudoZ QuiZ terms are automatically retrieved from closed/graded KudoZ questions, so answers marked as correct may not necessarily be the best possible translations of source terms, but the ones selected by askers as the most helpful.

  • 13.2 - How does KudoZ QuiZ work?

    In play mode, KudoZ QuiZ invites members to play five rounds where they have thirty (30) seconds to choose the most likely translation of a source term in their language pair(s) and field(s) (five terms, five rounds). At the end of these rounds, players are displayed the final score and they are given the options to challenge colleagues (this is a member-only option) and share results in social networks.

    In challenge mode, members are also invited to play five rounds, but source terms are different from the ones answered by the challenging member. At the end of these rounds, challenged members are shown who got the highest score, and are invited to share results in social networks. Challenging members also receive an email with final challenge results.

  • 13.3 - What is the objective of the KudoZ QuiZ game?

    KudoZ QuiZ has been designed as a fun game, i.e. a game that members are invited to play as an entertainment, to take a break and have fun with colleagues.

  • 13.4 - Who can play KudoZ QuiZ?

    KudoZ QuiZ is available to everyone, members and non-members. However, only paying members can challenge other members.

  • 13.5 - How do I challenge another site user in KudoZ QuiZ?

    To challenge anyone at KudoZ QuiZ, use the “Challenge” button and search for your opponent by name, email or user ID (the number at the end of their profile URL). Once you have found and selected your opponent, click on “Start match” to play yours. Once you complete your match, your opponent will be invited via email to play theirs. If they accept the invitation, you will receive an email with final scores.

  • 13.6 - Will challenged members answer the same questions as the members challenging them?

    No. Source terms will vary depending on the player's language pair(s) and field(s), and even if both players work in the same languages and fields, most of the time, source terms will be different given the high number of KudoZ questions available.

  • 13.7 - Where do KudoZ QuiZ questions and answers come from?

    KudoZ QuiZ source terms and answer options are automatically retrieved from KudoZ questions (closed/graded and with a glossary entry). Answers marked as correct are the ones selected by askers as the most helpful, and not necessarily the best possible translations of source terms.

  • 13.8 - Can I suggest KudoZ QuiZ questions or terms?

    For the time being, only closed/graded KudoZ questions with an entry in the KudoZ Open Glossary are used for KudoZ QuiZ questions.

  • 13.9 - Will I get KudoZ points for choosing the correct answer in KudoZ QuiZ?

    No. KudoZ points are only available in KudoZ where members who post the most helpful answers are awarded these points based on the answer’s level of helpfulness.

  • 13.10 - I challenged a colleague, but I don’t know if they accepted the challenge. How do I know?

    If your opponent accepts your challenge, you will receive an email with final scores once they complete their match.

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  • 14 - WIWO (What I'm Working On)

  • 14.1 - What is the "What I am working on" feature?

    The "What I am working on" feature is a service from that enables translators to share with other translators descriptions of the projects they are currently working on.

  • 14.2 - Where do I go to use the "What I am working on" feature?

    You can make and read "What I am working on" postings from, the mobile app, and TM-Town.

  • 14.3 - If I post something via "What I am working on", who can see it?

    When you mention a project via "What I am working on", you specify whether you want the posting to be public or private. Private postings are visible only to you (and therefore are primarily for personal record-keeping purposes).

  • 14.4 - Why would a translator want to tell others what sort of work he or she is doing?

    For social and networking reasons, maybe. Or perhaps to establish a track record of the projects they have done, either for their own reference or to make others aware of the type of work they do.

  • 14.5 - Why would someone want to contact a person who makes a "What I am working on" posting?

    For example, a fellow translator might be able to suggest a resource useful for that sort of project, to exchange related experiences and opinions, etc.

  • 14.6 - Apart from being displayed, are "What I am working on" postings used in any way?

    Outsourcers using the directory are able to search translators using the keywords in "What I am working on" postings that have been made public. Directory users may also limit their search results to those translators who have used "What I am working on" to report working on projects in the past 30 / 90 / etc. days.

  • 14.7 - How can "What I am working on" be used for personal record-keeping?

    To use "What I am working on" purely for record-keeping purposes, select the "private" sharing setting. You will be able to look back on the list of projects to remind yourself of the work that you have done previously.

  • 14.8 - What about confidential information?

    No confidential information should be shared.

  • 14.9 - Who can make a "What I am working on" posting?

    Via, only full professional members may post. TM-Town members can post via TM-Town. Translators without Borders volunteers can post via the Translators without Border's translation center platform. Posting is also possible via the mobile app, and API partners (ex. CafeTran).

  • 14.10 - Can non-members benefit in any way from this feature?

    Non-members can read and react to postings made by others.

  • 14.11 - Can others react to "What I am working on" postings?

    It is possible to enter a reply. The possibility to react in certain set ways (a la "like", etc.) may also be added. It is also possible to privately contact posters via their profile pages.

  • 14.12 - What sort of material is appropriate for posting via "What I am working on"?

    The "What I am working on" feature is provided specifically for sharing information about projects you are working on. Members are asked to refrain from making postings not related to projects they are working on.

  • 14.13 - What sort of projects would be suitable for mentioning through "What I am working on"?

    Any translation project, really. The more interesting or challenging the project, the more interesting it may be to post.

  • 14.14 - What about work of a supporting type, for example invoicing, marketing and so on —is that sort of thing also suitable for posting?

    Not really. This feature is intended for sharing and recording information only about actual translation (or interpreting) projects that you work on.

  • 14.15 - I see terms coming up on some "What I am working on" postings. Where do those come from?

    Translators are given the option of including "representative terms" in their "What I am working on" postings. This helps to give others a sense of the type of work being done.

  • 14.16 - Are "What I am working on" postings moderated?

    Yes. Inappropriate postings, or postings that are not related to translation or interpreting projects, may be removed.

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