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Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Malaysia: Fourth Generation of Polymers (Generasi Keempat Bahan Polimer) General field: Sains Detailed field: Bahan (Plastik, Seramik, dsb.)
Teks sumber - Bahasa Inggeris
We live in polymer age. Plastics, fibers, elastomers, coatings, adhesives, proteins and celluloses are all common term in our vocabulary. If we go back to prehistoric time, polymers were used in the form of bones, woods, skins and fibers. Although organic chemistry was developed in eighteenth century, polymer science on a molecular basis is a development of the twentieth century.
Herman Staudinger developed the concept of ‘macromolecule’ during the 1920’s and he was awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1953 for his discovery in macromolecular chemistry. In 1935, Wallace Carothers invented nylon while underwent basic research in DuPont company. Carothers’ research showed great industrial potential of synthetic polymers; a potential which became reality in short time. Today, synthetic polymers are used in larger quantities than any other class of materials (larger by volume and weight).
Polymer synthesis in 1950’s was dominated by Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta (Nobel Prize Winners in Chemistry in 1963) who discovered polymerization catalysts. Their discovery has provided great importance for the development of the modern ‘plastic’ industry. Paul Flory was the next giant of polymer chemist; he created modern science through his experimental and theoretical understanding of macromolecules. His knowledge in macromolecular phenomena is summarized in his book Principles of Polymer Chemistry published in 1953 and still used until today. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1974 for his achievements in physical chemistry of macromolecules.
Because the saturated polymers (all of the four valence electrons of carbon are used in covalent bond) they were considered uninteresting in electronic point of view. In conjugated polymers (the occurrence of double bond alternates with single bond along the polymer change), the electronic configuration is fundamentally different. According to Alan J. Heeger, Hideki Shirakawa and Alan MacDiarmid, the 2000 Nobel Prize laureates who discovered conjugated conducting polymers in 1976; the chemical bonding in conjugated polymers lead to one unpaired electron (-electron) per carbon atom. Moreover -bonding, in which the orbitals of carbon atom along the backbone overlap, leads to electron delocalization along the backbone of the polymer chain. This delocalization provides ‘highway’ for charge mobility along the backbone of the polymer chains.
It is universally agreed that doping process (process to alter the electrical characterization of materials) is the most effective method to produce conjugated conducting polymers because it can allow electrons to move due to the formation of partially conduction band. As doping is occurred, the electrons in conjugated system, which are loosely bound, are able to jump around the polymer chain thus induce the electrical conductivity.
Due to this unique phenomenon, scientific community has called this polymer as ‘synthetic metal’ due to its ability to conduct an electron. The examples of conjugated polymers such as polyacetylene, polypyrrole and polyaniline. Polypyrrole and polyaniline have been the main focus of current research because of ease to synthesis, environmental friendly and relatively high conductivity; the factors that should be considered for potential mass production as a replacement for metals in future. These special properties have led to the potential applications in electromagnetic shielding, sensors, capacitors, batteries and etceteras.
However, much research still needed to be carried out before those applications become a reality. The stability and processibility both need to be improved if they are to be used in market place. One must consider that, although conventional polymers were synthesized and studied around the world, they did not become widespread until years of research and development had been done. In a way, conjugated conducting polymers are at the same stage as their three elder brothers were some fifty years ago. Only time will tell this fourth generation of polymers, which fall at the intersection of physics and chemistry has the impact as large as their saturated polymer relatives.
Terjemahan - Bahasa Malaysia Kita hidup di era polimer, satu cabang dalam kimia organik. Plastik, fiber, elastomer, penyalutan, cat, gam, protein dan selulosa adalah istilah umum dalam kebanyakan kamus dan perbendaharaan kata. Jika kita telusuri era pra-sejarah, polimer digunakan dalam bentuk tulang, kayu, kulit. Walaupun kimia organik mula berkembang pada abad ke-18, sains polimer mula berkembang pada abad ke-20.
Herman Staudinger telah memulakan konsep “makromolekul” pada tahun 1920-an dan telah dianugerahkan dengan Hadiah Nobel Kimia pada tahun 1953 kerana kehebatan penemuannya di dalam bidang kimia makromolekul. Pada tahun 1935, Wallace Carothers telah mencipta nilon semasa menjalankan penyelidikan asas di syarikat DuPont. Penyelidikan yang dijalankan oleh W. Carothers mempunyai impak yang besar kepada industrI polimer sintetik (polimer buatan), dongengan pada masa tersebut yang menjadi realiti pada masa yang singkat. Kini, polimer sintetik telah dimanfaatkan dalam kuantiti yang terbesar berbanding bahan lain seperti logam, seramik mahupun aloi. Sementara itu, Karl Ziegler dan Giulio Natta telah mendominasi bidang sains polimer pada era 1950-an. Kajian mereka lebih memfokuskan tentang sintesis sains polimer dan diatas sumbangan tersebut, mereka telah dianugerahkan Hadiah Nobel Kimia pada tahun 1963. Paul Flory adalah ikon terbaru dalam bidang sains polimer. Beliau telah memperkenalkan sains moden dalam bidang polimer yang pengetahuan beliau dibukukan yang berjudul Principles of Polymer Chemistry yang diterbitkan pada tahun 1953. Beliau dianugerahkan Hadiah Nobel Kimia pada tahun 1974 diatas pencapaiannya di dalam bidang kimia fizik makromolekul.
Oleh kerana polimer secara asasnya adalah stabil kerana semua elektron terluar karbon digunakan pada ikatan kovalen, ianya dianggap kurang menarik dari perspektif (pada perspektif) elektronik. Walaupun begitu, perspektif elektronik bagi polimer konjugat yang mana ikatan tunggal dan dubel berselang-seli pada rantaian polimer adalah sangat berbeza. Merujuk kepada pemenang Hadiah Nobel Kimia pada tahun 2000 iaitu Alan Heeger, Hideki Shirakawa dan Alan MacDiarmid, ikatan kimia pada polimer konjugat boleh menghasilkan satu elektron tak berpasangan (elektron-) bagi setiap atom karbon. Tambahan lagi ikatan-yang mana orbital pada tetulang atom karbon bertindan bakal mewujudkan pentaksetempatan elektron sepanjang tetulang rantai polimer. Keadaan pentaksetempatan ini menyebabkan berlakunya “highway highway” untuk mobiliti sepanjang tetulang rantai polimer dan seterusnya pengaliran elektrik berlaku.
Sudah disepakati secara umum bagi komuniti saintis dan penyelidik yang mana proses pengedopan (proses sains bertujuan untuk mengubah ciri-ciri keelektrikan bahan) adalah pendekatan efektif untuk menghasilkan polimer konjugat yang boleh mengalirkan elektrik. Apabila pengedopan dilakukan, elektron di dalam polimer konjugat yang terikat secara separa akan terbebas dan berupaya untuk melompat pada rantaian polimer lalu meningkatkan kekonduksian elektrik.
Diatas keunikan fenomena ini, komuniti sains menggelarkannya sebagai logam sintetik kerana kemampuannya mengkonduksi elektrik seperti logam secara buatan. Contoh-contoh polimer konjugat ini seperti polipirrol, polianilina dan politiofin. Polipirrol dan polianilina menjadi fokus kajian semasa majoriti saintis kerana aspek sintesisnya yang mudah dan berupaya memberikan kekonduksian elektrik yang agak tinggi. Faktor ini menjadi penentu di dalam pengkomersilan polimer konjugat bagi pengaplikasian dalam industri. Aplikasi-aplikasi yang menonjolkan potensinya seperti perisai elektromagnet, sensor, kapasitor, bateri dan sebagainya.
Walaupun polimer konjugat mempunyai banyak potensi, banyak kajian masih diperlukan supaya kegunaannya bakal menjadi realiti. Faktor-faktor seperti kestabilan kimia dan kekangan pemprosesan menjadi titik tolak yang perlu dipertingkatkan supaya ianya boleh dipasarkan. Sebagai rakyat yang mencintai sains, perlulah maklum yang mana setiap penemuan penyelidikan yang sekarang ini menjadi aplikasi rutin harian, perlulah melalui satu proses pematangan dalam penyelidikan sebelum boleh memasuki industri. Fasa yang sama bakal ditempuhi oleh polimer konjugat atau logam sintetik ini. Logam semulajadi seperti kuprum, besi, zink dan lain-lain boleh mengkonduksi elektrik secara semulajadi tetapi mudah berkarat kerana kecenderungan bertindakbalas dengan oksigen lalu merosakkan alam sekitar. Di sinilah kita bakal melihat logam sintetik yang tidak akan berkarat tetapi boleh mengkonduksi elektrik akan menggantikan logam semulajadi lalu memelihara alam sekitar kita secara lestari. Masa bakal menentukan semua potensi polimer konjugat bakal menjadi realiti.
Bahasa Jepun hingga Bahasa Malaysia: Manual Mesin Ujian Tegangan General field: Teknikal/Kejuruteraan
Teks sumber - Bahasa Jepun 装置の立ち上げ
1. 試験機の電源 ON
2. アンプボックスの電源 ON
3. 画像処理ボックスの電源を入れ
4. パソコン、印刷機の電源を入れる
Terjemahan - Bahasa Malaysia Menghidupkan Mesin
1. Buka Susi Mesin Ujian
2. Buka Suis Kotak Atas
3. Buka Suis Kotak Pengurus Gambar
4. Buka Komputer dan Mesin Pencetak
Perhatian :
Selepas menghidupkan mesin, sila tunggu 20 minit
Sebelum menghidupkan mesin, sila pakai pelindung mata
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Indonesia: Technical text General field: Lain-lain Detailed field: IT (Teknologi Maklumat)
Teks sumber - Bahasa Inggeris The XXX is used in applications with the YYY process bus with up to three Merging Units.
The XXX is used for the protection, control and monitoring of overhead lines and cables in solidly or impedance earthed networks. The IED can be used up to the high voltage levels. It is suitable for the protection of heavily loaded lines and multi-terminal lines where the requirement for fast three-pole tripping is wanted.
The full scheme distance protection provides protection of power lines with high sensitivity and low requirement on remote end communication.
Terjemahan - Bahasa Indonesia XXX digunakan dalam aplikasi dengan bus proses YYY sampai dengan tiga Unit Penggabungan.
XXX digunakan untuk perlindungan, pengendalian dan pemantauan saluran udara dan kabel dalam jaringan padat atau impedansi tertanam. IED dapat digunakan sampai dengan tegangan tingkat tinggi. Sangat cocok untuk perlindungan saluran bermuatan penuh dan saluran multi-terminal di mana kebutuhan untuk berlari tiga kutub yang cepat diinginkan.
Perlindungan jarak skema lengkap memberikan perlindungan dari jaringan listrik dengan sensitivitas yang tinggi dan kebutuhan yang rendah pada komunikasi remote akhir.
Bahasa Jerman hingga Bahasa Malaysia: Vacuum Cleaner General field: Sains
Teks sumber - Bahasa Jerman Dieser Universalstaubsauger ist für den privaten Gebrauch im Haushalt und nicht für gewerbliche Zwecke bestimmt.
Der Hersteller haftet nicht für eventuelle Schäden, die durch nicht bestimmungsgemäßen Gebrauch oder falsche Bedienung verursacht werden.
Den Universalstaubsauger nur benutzen mit:
Original-Ersatzteilen, -Zubehör oder -Sonderzubehör.
Der Universalstaubsauger ist nicht geeignet für:
Das Absaugen von Menschen oder Tieren.
Terjemahan - Bahasa Malaysia Pembersih vakum universal ini untuk kegunaan peribadi dalam isi rumah dan bukan untuk tujuan komersial.
Pengusaha kilang tidak akan bertanggungjawab terhadap kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan yang tidak betul atau cara pengendalian yang salah.
Pembersih vakum universal hanya digunakan dengan:
Alat ganti, aksesori atau aksesori khas yang asli.
Pembersih vakum universal tidak sesuai untuk:
Proses pernafasan manusia atau haiwan.
Other - Diploma from Malaysia Institute of Translation and Books
Tahun pengalaman terjemahan: 21. Didaftar di Feb 2014. Menjadi ahli: Feb 2015.
Bukti kelayakan
Bahasa Malaysia hingga Bahasa Inggeris (Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia, verified) Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Malaysia (Institut Terjemahan dan Buku Malaysia)
Malaysia Translators Association
Adobe Acrobat, Idiom, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Smartcat, Trados Studio
Expert and experienced with MSDS, all
science subjects, technical scientific patents/Intellectual Property,
annual report, lab safety, manual, engineering and technical subject,
mass communication, social science childhood materials, product manuals
and automotive subjects. I also consider drama/film/documentary program and general reading.
Services Offered
Translation, Editing, Proofreading, Localization, Subtitling, Research, Terminology, and others. Also Jawi (Malay in Arabic script) translation and transliteration of legal certificates and official letter.
I have more than 10 years experiences in MSDS translation, translating
and writing journal manuscripts and abstracts, R&D quests, book
chapters from English>Malay, Jawi (Malay in Arabic
letter)>English. Technical fields include science, engineering,
medical and IT. Due to strong interest in translation, I have switched
into online mode and diversify my specialization into medical, IT and
software, media, technology/product promotions, social science and
general field. I have collaborated with different companies locally and
internationally in which the translation fields are varied from
multimedia subtitles, copywriting, product promotion, education and
social science. Daily output between 1500 to 3000 words depending to the
subject and difficulty of the source text. Currently appointed as
Karyawan DBP (Writer Membership for Institute of Language and Learning
of Malaysia) and have passed Malaysian Institute of Translation and
Books (ITBM) translation test which enable me to collaborate with ITBM
as their translator.
Key asset fields that I have been specializing:
- Physics; Ultrasound, optics, dielectrics, geology, analogue and digital electronic etc.
- Chemistry; organic, inorganic, catalyst etc.
- Medical, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals; healthcare, general, medical instruments and etc.
- Materials Safety Data Sheet, Lab Safety and Risk Assessment
- ESG; Carbon credit, carbon footprint- Annual report, company handbook etc.
- Various domain of questionnaire (English>Malay and Malay>English)
- Coating and Surface Finishing; Organic and Inorganic
- Scientific Patent
- Materials and Engineering
- Engineering tools
- Oil and Gas
- Energy
- Automotive
- Nanomaterials
- Spectroscopy, Microscopy, Thermal analysis, Electrical properties etc.
- Information technology, internet marketing, software localization etc.
- Many others including subtitles
Translation memories cum glossaries for:
- Science, Engineering, IT and Medical/Pharmaceuticals (more than 2,000,000++ words)
Trained as Researcher make me really comfortable in understanding
materials in R&D activity. Therefore, safety data sheet or namely MSDS
is my daily checked text as well as journals in which it is needed for
publication of academic finding. In addition, reviewing (i.e proofreading and editing)
is also one of my strength and the materials that have been entrusted
for reviewing process since 2007 include scientific journals from Wiley
Blackwell such as Polymer Composites, Applied Polymer Science, Polymer
Engineering and Science, Physical Science USM, Asian journals etc.
Various materials subject and measurement especially for research work
that have been reviewed include materials and technology for
intellectual property and patenting. Up to now, more than 50 academic
manuscripts have been reviewed and the numbers are keeping on
ENGINEERING and Oil and Gas
• O&G
Translated procedures of oil rig facilities produced by Aberdeen Drilling School and
Gas Treatment (Adsorption/Absorption etc.)
(>15000 words)
Downhole Mechanism (4k words)
• Automotive/Engineering/Safety
Helicopter landing manual/Safe Crane Operation
(>24,000 words)
Accident and Incident Investigations (3k words)
• Maritime/Diving/Marine Engineering
Evaluator cum Reviewer and Diving Operation and Maritime Science and Operation (100,000+ words)
• General engineering and tools
Translator for electrical appliance manual (11,000+ words), technical terms and tools.
• Technical manuals
• Nanotechnology
Wrote Nanomaterial chapter for Institute of Language and Learning Malaysia (DBP) academic book.
• Physics, chemistry, travel & leisure and general subjects
TermWiki project. Translated and reviewed terms from English to Malay.
• Safety Datasheet for Chemical and Materials (MSDS)
Translator and Reviewer- More than 100 project on Safety Datasheet SDS etc. > 20,000 words. Weekly task on SDS translation.
• Materials Science, Nanomaterials etc.
Reviewed more than 50 academic manuscripts for Wiley Blackwell journals
and national journal include Physical Science and Asian journals etc.
>500,000 words
List of journals: Polymer Composites, Applied Polymer Science, Physical
Science, e-polymers, Journal of Materials Engineering and Environment
• Localization, UI & IT, Mobile Apps and Games
Marketing +Software and game translation respectively
(>20,000+) and (100,000+ words on one single project on Software UI and localization of websites, 90,000 +words)
• Marketing
Theme translation, letters and questionnaires
• GPS/navigation translation: 18,000 words ++ • Website translation on
diabetes and guidelines: 15,000 words • Localization of football virtual
games: 5000 words. • various marketing questionnaires: < 100,000
words include dengue vaccine, post Covid-19 lifestyle,
internet securities, phishing, scam alerts
• Medical Instruments, Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
Proofread/Translate pharmaceutical product for healthcare/SDS, as well as medical related questionnaire.
Translated medical instruments application manuals and usage instructions and Healthcare articles/quest. They include:
- Various type of pharmaceutical products (3000-5000 words)
- Medical questionnaire on dengue vaccine (7000 words).
- Extended version of medical questionnaire on dengue vaccine - revised for children (3750 words).
- Medical products and instruments and their safety (2000 words).
- Article about healthcare "Always in pace yourself" (500 words).
- Cosmetics product for different brands
- vaccines questionnaires
Also entrusted with other translation assignments
• Legal document and school/birth/marriage certificates
Translator for marriage birth certificate, legal documents - for visa purposes etc.
Includes Malay to English, Jawi Malay to English, English to Malay
• Writ of summons etc.
• Education
Translated/proofread/edited scientific articles on vocational training.
Articles; (Malay-English and English-Malay) for international
(<10,000 words)
• Code of conduct and company profiles
• Annual report
• Mass Media and Creative
Transcreate script in promoting medical institution
(>3,000 words)
• Media Subtitling
Subtitlist for product promotion, TV tele-drama, movies and reality show
(>20 hours/month)
Among my clients directly or through agencies...
2020 Phd in Materials Science,
2014 General Translation Certificate, Malaysian Institute of Translation and Books
2007 Master of Science, (Applied Radiation on Conducting Polymers), Univ. Putra Malaysia
2002 Bachelor of Science, Physics (Instrumentation Science), Universiti Putra Malaysia
Registered Members
ProZ (Registered) and Translator Cafe.
Professional Membership
Malaysian Translators Association
Malaysian Association of Solid State Science (MASS)
Malaysian Society for Engineering and Technology
Malaysian Nanotechnology Association
Translation Software/Technology
Software:- Microsoft Office 2010, 2007, 1997-2003, Nitro PDF,Acrobat, Image Processing, Dewan Eja Pro 8.
Translation software:- SDL Trados Studio 2014, SDL Passolo 2011, SDL MultiTerm 2014, Ace Translator, DBP Prpm website, OED etc.
Experienced in using: memoQ, Memsource, Wordbee and XTM
Thanks a lot for visiting my page and please contact me and if you have
any translation job such as (MSDS, IT, Marketing, Medical and
Engineering & Science).
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This user has reported completing projects in the following job categories, language pairs, and fields.
Project History Summary
Total projects
With client feedback
0 positive (0 entries)
Job type
Language pairs
Bahasa Inggeris hingga Bahasa Malaysia
Bahasa Malaysia hingga Bahasa Inggeris
Bahasa Inggeris
Specialty fields
Perubatan: Farmaseutikal
Kimia; Sains/Kejuruteraan Kimia
Kapal, Pelayaran, Kelautan
IT (Teknologi Maklumat)
Kejuruteraan/Sains Petroleum
Pemasaran / Penyelidikan Pasaran
Pawagam, Filem, TV, Drama
Other fields
Sijil, Diploma, Lesen, Kurikulum Vitae
Permainan / Permainan Video / Judi / Kasino
Kata kunci: English translation, Malay translation, translation, proofreading, reviewing, general subjects, physics, chemistry, medical, engineering. See more.English translation, Malay translation, translation, proofreading, reviewing, general subjects, physics, chemistry, medical, engineering, oil and gas, MSDS, annual report, marketing, product promotion, SDS, Melayu, certificate, Jawi, letter, IT. Acting and Directing, Advertising, Aerospace Engineering, Agriculture, Aircraft, Archaeology, Art, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Automotive, Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics, Biopsychology, Biostatistics, Broadcast Journalism, Business General, Business Marketing, Ceramics Arts and Ceramics, Chemical Technology and Related Industries, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, Computer Games, Electronic Games, Games of Chance, Data Communications, Data Processing, Desktop Publishing (DTP), Ecology, Economics, Education, Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Science, Fibre, Textile and Weaving, Film and Cinema Studies, Finance, Fire Protection, Forestry, General, Geochemistry, Geography, Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Gerontology, Health, Heating, Air Condition and Refrigeration, History, Hospitality, Information Sciences and Systems, Internet, Islamic Studies, Journalism and Mass Communication, Law and Legal, Mechanical Engineering, Medicine — Medical Technology, Medicine — Microbiology and Bacteriology, Medicine — Nursing, Medicine — Occupational Health and Industrial Hygiene, Medicine — Ophthalmology, Medicine — Pharmacology, Medicine — Psychiatry, Medicine — Public Health Education and Promotion, Medicine — Social Psychology, Medicine (General), Metallurgical Engineering, Nuclear Engineering, Oil and Gas Engineering, Optics, Organic Chemistry, Patent Translation, Petrochemistry, Petroleum Engineering, Photographic Arts, Photography, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Physics, Political Science, Polymer Chemistry, Radiation Biology, Science (General), Software Engineering, Sport and Fitness, Taxation, Telecommunications, Textile Sciences and Engineering, Theatre, Tourism and Travel, Transportation. Journal. Thesis abstract.. See less.
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